"Intro to Google Analytics"
Google analytics is a free and easy way to track different effectiveness of web browsers. It is important to understand who is viewing a web page, how often and what they are looking at. Each web page can be analyzed and broken down by the views and the average duration spent viewing the page. Any online marketer needs to understand this information and be able to track the trends. tracking the trends allows online marketers to improve their footprint and better their exposure.
Google analytics is not the only source to track a web browser's footprint. There are paid programs that will allow users to do more options. For example, web trends is an option that only paid versions of analytic trackers allow. Open source web searching is a more protected way to display information and allows the user to have more control over who sees their information and does not allow google the ability to cookie their information and sell it to marketing companies.
"What Color is Your Parachute"
A great lesson to be learned is the fact that the employees have changed and the job searchers have not. Lets look back to 2008. Jobs were eliminated and companies adapted to fill new needs with new people. Unfortunately, the people looking for jobs did not get this memo. There are jobs out there, but the employers search to fill those jobs differently. The employers now screen hundreds for one job and use detailed perimeters to weed out the undesirable workers. It is important to read the full job description and qualifications. Have updated resumes and information to ensure that the employer looks at you.
Job hunting is creative and adaptive. Stay ahead of the game and stay tuned into what employers are searching for. Tailor yourself to a job that you view as one you can succeed with.