Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What Color is Your Parachute


"80% of all workers toy with the idea of starting their own business at some point during their job life time" (Bolles, 249).  Yoy will not need a lot of money but you will need to think outside of the box, research and use the internet.  From the cases discussed in the book, all of the business owners researched heavily. You must first be creative and think outside the box.  Be unique and do your own thing.  Success is ignited from notraditional thinking and hard work. Then, know what you do not know and find the answers to your questions.  Finally, use the internet.  The internet is a source of endless data and examples.  It is free and must be used for success and new ideas. 

There are four steps to cration.  1. Write- jot down your thoughts, take detailed notes for future reference. Get to know who you are and what you hope to accomplish. 2. Read- understand what is expected of running your own business.  What will it be like and how have others done it.  Know what you do not know and conquer those uncertanties. 3. Explore- now research the competitors and learn from their triumphs and mistaes.  4. Get Feedback- take others advice.  The business owner that is unwilling to addapt is the first to fail.  Your peers and your customers will have the best input for your innovations will come from the people viewing the idea from the outside and without bias. 

Lastly, good luck and work hard!

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